Kansi No.1: Improved High-Yielding Onion Variety
Punam Chand Patidar
Jhalawar, Rajasthan

11th National Grassroots Innovation - 2023

 Innovator Profile

Punam Chand Patidar (54) is a progressive farmer, well recognized in his area for developing high yielding onion variety- Kansi No.1. He developed this variety through selection from a traditional variety of his region based on healthy disease-free plants having big size single bulbs. During 1980–1986, he used selection, followed by seed production for the best disease-free early maturing plants and sowing of composited seeds to get uniform characters and stabilized the variety for desirable characters. He started seed production and sold through farmers-to-farmer networks. 

The variety is known for its high early yield (40-45 t/ha), copper red coloured firm bulbs with more rings (8-10), good shelf life and medium pungent good taste. It produces uniform size, single-centred bulbs with a thin neck and has good export potential with good quality. The variety is free from bolters and is tolerant to thrips. 

The SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner and Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute, Durgapura, Jaipur, conducted the validation trials during 2019-2021. The variety Kansi No.1 was found superior to checks for high yield (40 t/ha), good quality bulbs and longer shelf life. It was superior over check varieties in terms of bulb yield, average bulb weight (63 - 109g),  with 6.38 - 8.94 mean number of rings, TSS % (13.34, 12.23),  with uniform ring thickness, and bulb shelf life. The on-farm trials of the variety were conducted in Uttar Pradesh in collaboration with KVK, Sultanpur, during the Rabi 2020-21, where the farmer’s variety recorded good yield compared to the local check variety (LR 41) and was preferred for its good shelf life. The application for registration under PPV&FR Act, 2001 has been submitted to the PPVFR Authority, New Delhi. 


Punam Chand Patidar (54) is a progressive farmer, well recognized in his area for developing high yielding onion variety- Kansi No.1. He developed this variety through selection from a traditional variety of his region based on healthy disease-free plants having big size single bulbs. During 1980–1986, he used selection, followed by seed production for the best disease-free early maturing plants and sowing of composited seeds to get uniform characters and stabilized the variety for desirable characters. He started seed production and sold through farmers-to-farmer networks.