
Dr. Parthkumar P. Dave

Designation : Research Associate III

Qualification : Ph.D. Horticulture

Department/Project : VARD Agriculture

Location : Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Email : parthkumarp@nifindia.org

Dr. Parthkumar P. Dave is a Research Associate III in the National Innovation Foundation-India, with a PhD, Master's, and bachelor’s degree in horticulture from Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat. With his expertise and six years of work experience in NIF-India, he is involved in validation trials, farmers’ field trials of TK/GRIS technologies, molecular profiling of plant varieties with respective universities, institutes, and research stations for validation by developing research proposals for the same, and verification of plant varieties under Value Addition Research and Development (VARD-Agriculture). He possesses a major contribution in research work for the value addition in GRIS/TK for the agriculture sector.